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My Sewing Machine, Sarah Tse's favorite pencil painting |
Sarah Tse / 謝敏行 (http://www.sarahtse.com/)是今年首次參加了台北國際當代藝術博覽會而知曉的藝術家。當初在展中只看到名字的時候我以為是個台灣的男性畫家,不過在看了作品和場中的剪報之後,我才了解在展中的漂亮小姐並不是藝廊的行政專員,而是畫家本人。
Sarah Tse的作品對我而言是簡單的,不用花太多心意就能推敲出畫家心意 (當然是秉著一顆自以為是的心態)。特別是她的作品充滿異國的氛圍,女性的夢幻的奇想,熱愛旅行與精緻小品的我悠遊的在她畫中世界遊走,讓我覺得相當的有趣!
About Art Work
Q01. 關於妳,目前所能認識到的作品,都以鉛、炭筆為主,有沒有考慮過用其他的素材呢?
Sarah: Yes, I am investigating into acrylic painting these months. Actually I started with oil/acrylic painting when I first learnt art in high school7 years ago. But I gradually focused on pencil drawing in university as I found the pencil sketches could easily express the narrative of my work. But I would love to go back to painting now and see what can I achieve.
Q02. 會不會,你覺得灰階色調的呈現,對於目前的妳會是比較好的呈現方式。
Sarah: Yes, I love monochrome. I think it is more challenging to use the most basic media – pencil (black and white tone) to express such multi-layered emotions in my work.
嗯,我愛灰階色調,我認為這更富有挑戰性,使用最基本的媒介 – 鉛筆 (只有黑、白色調),在我的作品中去表現多層次的感動。
Q03. 有沒有考慮過比較立體的作品,像是雕塑?
Sarah: No. I prefer 2D work.
Q04. 有沒有考慮使用數位的方式來製作作品呢?
Sarah: Yes, I did involve multi-media in my work when I was still in college. But I prefer pure painting/drawing now.
Q05. 從作品的發想、繪製、展出,甚至販售,你覺得哪個階段會是最快樂的?
Sarah: Process of drawing is the happiest stage. Certainly I really appreciate exhibiting my work to public. But drawing provide me a peaceful mind and encourages me to ‘live’ in my drawing that I truly love. I could forget all my pain and stress from reality when I draw.
Q06. 一定有幅珍愛的舊作品吧,是哪一幅呢?
Sarah: ‘My Sewing Machine’ is my favourite piece so far. I drew that for my degree show in 2009.It was also my second piece of pencil drawing in life. I didn’t intent to create such erotic position when I first drafted, yet everyone tells me the squirrel is humping the sewing machine.
About Life:
Q01. 英國應該是現在最適合發展所謂Art and Creative Industry的國家,那麼,你覺得這段異國的求學帶給了妳哪部份的成長?
Sarah: I didn't have any art education before I moved to the UK when I was 17. Since I learnt art in high school, I could not stop myself drawing everyday, even woke up at 8am on Sunday just to draw. And indeed there are so many art galleries and on-going exhibitions here that give me unlimited inspirations. I am sure if I didn't come over, I would not become an artist.
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A Spoonful of Sugar by Sarah Tse |
Sarah: Apart from Fine Art, I also did Screen printing, fashion photography and graphic design part time courses. Graphic design is the most useful and interesting to me. Apart from my studio practice, I also design my own website, logo, business cards, DM, posters in Illustrator, as well as touching up the images in Photoshop. The publication that I released in Japan last summer was also composed and designed by myself in Indesign.
除了純藝術的課程之外,我也有接受過一些版畫、時尚攝影和平面設計的課程。平面設計對我而言是最有用也最有趣的。除了工作室的工作之外,我也用Illustrator設計自己的網站/ Logo/ 明信片/ DM,海報, 用Photoshop作影像處理。我去年夏天在日本所發行的出版品也是我自已用Adobe Indesign 設計出來的。
Q03. 妳的作品融合了相當多的異國元素,那麼妳最喜歡哪個國家所帶給妳的氛圍?
Sarah: Morocco and Turkey. My drawings always include shisha and aladdin oil lamp that remind my viewers the story ‘One thousand and one night’. Morocco is a must-go place that I recommend to everyone as it is very surrealistic and dreamy place that bring you back to the old time.
Q04. 如果在鄉下和都市擇一地點居住,我想妳會喜歡都市生活多點!那麼說說妳最喜歡的城市吧!
Sarah: New york. This city is full of inspirations and unlimited surprises!
Q05. 妳的作品時常可見可愛的動物穿梭其中,有養寵物嗎? 說說它的故事吧!
Sarah: NO. I actually hate pets. I just like to use them as my characters to express certain emotions in my work.
About Art Management and Plan:
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Raccon and Sarah Tse |
Sarah: I am now represented by Vintage Gallery in Taiwan, P3 art and environment in Japan and Fountain projects in the UK.
目前台灣的維嘉畫廊、日本的p3 art and environment及英國fountain projects代理我的作品。
Q02. 妳會希望成名嗎? 又或者如果可以,妳只希望把自己的作品呈現給大家即可,當個幕後人最好不過?
Sarah: Well, this is not beyond my ability I guess. ‘Fame’ is really about the right time, at the right place that I met the right person. So I leave that to God. I just enjoy drawing and hope I can earn my living from being a full time artist.
Q03. Artist and Designer, 這兩種身份常常是有衝突的。會比較喜歡哪一個方向的自己呢?
Sarah: Artist, I never consider myself as a designer.
Q04. 再來會希望有哪一方面的突破? 作品風格/ 素材媒介/ 其他
Sarah: Painting. I wish to produce my master piece with best painting skills and most creative/interesting theme and perfectly presented.
油畫。我希望能用最棒的繪圖技術, 有趣的主題,最完美的presentation 和最有創意繪畫出我的代表作品
Q05. 下一檔的展覽會很快的出現在地球嗎? 會是怎麼樣的一個走向呢?
Sarah: I will have my first Hong Kong solo show at Swire Island East in early Sep. And I will also show at Art Taipei 2011 in August.
九月初時我會在香港太古坊舉辦我第一個個人展。另外我的作品八月時也會在台北的Art Taipei (台北國際藝術博覽會)中展出。